On this farming product all of the products are coming or derived out from our farms.

Livestock farms

Cattle, sheep and goats meat.

 Poultry meat we have chicken, ducks and turkey.

Poultry eggs we have commercial layers egg, local breed and hybrid eggs. Our Poultry farm produce an eggs with standard weight as per required and contains all nutrients.

Cereal farm

Under cereal we have clean Sesame seed, Maize corn, 
Sorghum, we sold on packaging of 5kg, 10kg, 25kg and 50kg.

We also has pulse products such as soy bean, dry beans

Under this category from cereal farming we also have corn flour. The flour is sweet and we mostly encourage our customers to use whole corn product like dona, yellow maize.

Horticulture farm

We have fruits like Cucumber, Water melon, Oranges, Papaya and many more.

We have different kind of spinach like broccoli, Chinese cabbage, red and white cabbage, Swiss chard  and many more.

 We also has fresh spices  like celery, spring onions, coriander, mint, parsley, basil and rose marry.

And we also have garlic local and imported, fresh and dry ginger.